Homework Scrabble | Whole Class Homework Incentive | FREE DOWNLOAD

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

While students are still held accountable for completing their individual homework having a class homework incentive makes it a group effort and builds a team atmosphere. I had many students who struggled to get their homework in on time so I started a whole class homework incentive. I first just had tallies on the board but that was just not exciting enough and didn’t show when the goal was complete.

I then thought about making homeworkoply but I didn’t have room in my classroom nor did I think it helped because the class wouldn’t get rewards at a set amount since it was based on rolling a dice. After much thought I came up with homework scrabble!

The goal is for the whole class to turn in 7 days of homework. Every time the whole class completes their homework you or a student can color in one letter square. When all the letters in homework is filled in they have reached their goal!!! Some of you might be thinking, “Ummmmm Elle homework has 8 letter not 7.” And you are correct but since it is scrabble I made them cross at the “o” making it 7 on the poster. 
  I have my class vote what reward they want to work for but you can decide what the reward for your class is your self too. Once there is a reward you write it in the bottom corner under reward. 

After making the homework goal a class effort we have had fewer missing homework assignments as they all keep each other accountable and make sure their classmates have done their homework. Also those individuals now know it’s not just about them any more and don’t want to let their friends down. If you have a student who still doesn’t turn in homework you can choose to keep giving the class a square and when the goal is reached not allow that student to participate in the reward. 



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