Easy Classroom Rewards for Students | FREE Download

Friday, December 12, 2014

As teachers we are all always thinking of ways to promote good behavior, while also discouraging negative behaviors. Rewards and Incentives are a great way to achieve this!

We all have different ways to track our classroom behaviors with color charts, clips, etc. Here are some easy rewards students can earn that really seem to encourage good behavior in my classroom. Some also help to create positive relationships between you and the students, which is proven to help them in the classroom because they will feel more comfortable. It also never hurts to be funny! Students love that! ☺ 
  1. A Zombie Ate My Homework  “Homework Pass”
  2. Sit at teachers desk for one class period
  3. Have a fun lunch with the teacher
  4. Computer or IPAD time
These are the ones I have made tickets for. This way student’s held responsible for redeeming them and it has their name, date earned, and teacher initials. Many times students will try to use other student’s rewards or find a blank one but those will not count. 

When my students come in for lunch we usually play an IPAD game talk about what ever it is they are interested in and they keep coming back so it must be working! They also love sitting at my desk while I teach a lesson and in a teacher chair, don’t know why but they love this! Another popular item students choose of course is a homework pass because what student likes homework? I have an obsession with zombies and in my classroom we have Plants vs. Zombies all over, so of course I made a zombie ate my homework pass. 

Hope these ticket rewards are a hit in your classroom too, Click here for the full FREE download! 



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