Missing Homework Log | Free Download

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I don’t know about you, but I seem to always have students missing homework! If you don’t, you must tell me where you teach, I am so there!!!!

I struggled with how to keep my resource students (any students) accountable for their missing homework assignments with out taking a ton of time out of class when they don’t turn it in. I tried detention slips, missing HW slips that went home to parents etc. you name it, I tried it but it was too much work on my part when it was the students that should be responsible. 

I created a missing HW binder that I keep right next to my turn in bin and as I call students up to turn in their HW if they don’t have it they open the binder, find their name and fill out what they are missing and why. 

WHAT A TIME SAVER!!! Not to mention parents have reacted very well to this since it is not just me telling them their child’s excuse(s) for not having HW, but instead they can now read it in their child’s own handwriting.  

Administrators seem to like this form as well, so if they every get sent with a referral for habitual missing HW, the administrator can see when and how frequent there has been missing assignments. Further more, if they ever get in school suspension or lunch detention it is so quick and easy to see what work they need with out going into your grade book, which you are probably behind on because lets face it, there is so much to grade it blows our minds!!! 

I hope this form works for you as well. If you try it out let me know!! Click Here for the full FREE download. 

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